Friday, December 11, 2009

My eye gets wet when i do makeup, why???

in the morning when i do my makeup my left eye gets watery and wet and my eyeliner wont stick, why???My eye gets wet when i do makeup, why???
Eyes water to try and flush things out that are iritianting them.

your eyes get iraited when you put makeup on them and its just trying to flush it out.

Eyes dont no its makeup lol like when they water when dust blows in your eyes or you get something in your eye etc.

If you can try not to put it as close to your actaul eye ball.My eye gets wet when i do makeup, why???
If it`s always just one eye, it could have something to do with your tear duct.

I know what you mean about liner not sticking once it gets wet. Sometimes if I get the pencil against my eye it irritates it and waters.

Right before I put on the liner, I dab my eye line area dry %26amp; hold a tissue in the corner of my eye to absosrb excess tears.

Sometimes a softer pencil helps.
You probably have allergies to the mascara or eyeliner. Maybe you got something in your eye. if you wear contacts you should rub them with solution in the palm of your hand so that they don't make your eyes water if there is something on them. Try switching to hypoallergenic mascara and eyeliner if they have any.
I think its like a natural defense, its ur eyes way of protecting itself. When something is irritating ur eye, it tries to clean it by tearing. Try a hypoallergenic eye makeup like ALMAY.
your eyes are sensitive and you could also have some allergies to the makeup but it is most likely just sensitivity

i am the same way
you eye is probably sensitive to the makeup.

try a different brand or be extra gentle.
You may have gotten some in your eye. Even if you didn't poke your eye it may come off when you blink, that's what happens to me usually.
Do not apply makeup unless you are awake enough to see totally straight.
You migh be alergic to an ingredient in the makeup
my left eyes does the same thing!it fells really fuzzy and watery but it happens to me because im just now starting to wear eyeliner so it probably because ur not use to it :]
me too.

my sister did that to me before..and then i got all teary.

i think im allergic. try another brand or something.......
allergic perhaps!
it could be allergies or irritation...don't line your eye like RIGHT next to ur eyeball cuz it'll tear up to get it out.
cuz ur putting it on the wet part, and thats uncomphy

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